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Doctor Nguyen Chi Trung
Master, Dr.

Trung Chi Nguyen

Specialty: Outpatient Department

Doctor Nguyen Chi Trung graduated from the National Military Medical University with the tittle of general practitioner and from Hanoi Medical University with the title of master in the specialty of ENT. He has been granted a certificate of examining and treating ENT diseases and a certificate of ENT endoscopy by the National Otolaryngology Hospital.
Master and doctor Nguyen Chi Trung has had more than 5 years of working experience in examining and treating ENT diseases. He has ever attended a training course at the department of surgery and required service treatment in the center of ENT – the National Military Hospital.
His enthusiasm, high responsibility at work and friendliness have conquered patient’s confidence and love as well as children when they come to the department of ENT – Thu Cuc Medical System TCI.


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