Dr. Trien Van Vu graduated from Hanoi Medical University in 1988, focusing on internal medicine-pediatrics. He earned his degree as a Specialist Level I doctor with a specialty in intensive care at Hanoi Medical University in 1997, then his degree as a Specialist Level II Doctor in general internal medicine at the Military Medical University in 2005. He became a Ph.D. in respiratory medicine in 2015. He attended the orientation course in the specialty of cardiology, intensive care, and diagnostic imaging at Hanoi Medical University from 1989 – 1990.
Over 30 years, Dr. Trien has ever worked for the Hospital of Transport and Communication, holding the title of Head of the Intensive Care Unit, Head of Internal Medicine Infectious diseases, and Deputy of the Transport and Communication Health department. He was awarded “Meritorious Physician” by the President in 2017.
His in-depth knowledge of medicine and work experience are the foundation enabling him to help many patients.

Ph.D., Specialist Level 2 Dr., Meritorious Doctor
Trien Van Vu
Director of TCI General Clinic (216 Tran Duy Hung)
Specialty: Hospital Board of Directors