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Doctor Nguyen Thi Viet Ha
Specialist Level 1 Dr.

Ha Viet Thi Nguyen

Specialty: Outpatient Department

Doctor Nguyen Thi Viet Ha graduated from Hanoi Medical University with the title of specialist doctor level I specialized in dermatology and has had more than 20 years of working experience in examining and treating skin diseases. She has ever worked at the specialty of dermatology – Hanoi Heart Hospital and ever opened her own skin clinic.
She always updates latest methods of treatment to apply them in the process of treating skin diseases, bringing optimum efficacy and ensuring skin aesthetics.
Patients having skin examination with doctor Ha are always gently and carefully consulted to work out an optimum treatment method for the safety of health, aesthetics and in harmony with patients. You can be confident about the information privacy of customers with infectious skin diseases because doctor Ha and dermatology specialty at Thu Cuc always commit to this with conscience and responsibility of a physician.

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