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What Is Your Blood Type?

A blood type is a classification system of blood. Based on this system, the compatibility of your blood with others’ ones is determined.

Why should you know your blood type?

There are many medical reasons healthcare experts require the determination of your blood, such as:

    • Pregnancy check-up
    • Surgical procedure
    • Organ donation
    • Blood transfusion
Different blood types


How to know what blood type you have?

You can ask your healthcare providers about the blood group on your medical record or go to a hospital or clinic for a blood test. You can also identify your blood type by donating blood – a valuable way for you and others who need a blood transfusion.

Blood donation

People can donate blood at hospitals or any blood donation organization. Most people are qualified to give blood if they are in good health. However, according to WHO, there are some basic requirements for a blood donor:

    • The person does not have infections such as a cold, sore throat, etc. 
    • The person has not had a tattoo or body piercing for 6 months
    • The person is qualified for the hemoglobin level for blood donation
    • The person does not travel to places where infections are spreading
    • The person has not engaged in “at risk” sexual activity in the past 12 months
    • The person is not tested positive for HIV/AIDS
    • The person is not on any types of recreational drugs

One way to know your blood type is through blood donation process

What is your possible blood type?

There are 4 main blood types – A, B, AB, and O, determined by the combination of genes you inherit from your biological parents. Therefore, you can determine your possible blood type genetically

Blood Type Compatibility Predictor Charts

Photo from Fairfax Cryobank 

Once your ABO blood typing has been done, it can be further defined with the Rhesus (Rh) factor – a protein found on the surface of your red blood cells

    • If there’s an Rh factor protein found, the person is Rh positive
    • If there’s no Rh factor protein found, the person is Rh negative
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