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Employee Health Checkups: An Effective Preventive Measure

Employee health checkups are mandated by law and represent a critical responsibility for businesses toward their employees. This practice is not only essential for ensuring workplace health but also serves as a foundational element for effective disease prevention, thereby promoting sustainable development for companies. This article will help you understand the significance of employee health checkups.

1. Common Health Issues Among Employees

1.1. Cervical Spondylosis

Office workers frequently suffer from cervical spondylosis due to prolonged computer use. Keeping the neck in a static position for extended periods can hinder blood circulation, eventually leading to joint degeneration, spinal misalignment, back pain, hip pain, and neck-shoulder pain.

1.2. Back Pain

Studies show that sitting increases spinal pressure by more than 50% compared to standing. Prolonged sitting significantly increases the pressure on the spine, leading to back pain. Workplace stress can also cause muscle tension, particularly in the neck and back, which, if persistent, can result in chronic back pain.

1.3. Dry Eyes and Visual Disturbances

Extended computer screen time can cause dry eyes and visual disturbances. Research indicates that 75-90% of computer users experience visual disturbances and eye problems. Eye issues are even more common than musculoskeletal problems, with symptoms including blurred vision, dry eyes, burning sensation, itching, tearing, and myopia.

Common Health Issues Among Employees

Employees are prone to eye conditions.

1.4. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Office workers frequently encounter carpal tunnel syndrome, characterized by numbness, fatigue, and pain in the arms and wrists. Prolonged symptoms can lead to wrist stiffness, severe pain, loss of sensation in the fingers, and, in extreme cases, nerve damage and tissue necrosis in the hands.

1.5. Sinusitis

Working in air-conditioned, dusty, and confined spaces, coupled with severe environmental pollution, makes sinusitis common among employees. Symptoms include persistent nasal congestion, runny nose, difficulty breathing, fatigue, and sensitivity to pollutants, which can lead to severe complications like meningitis and orbital infections.

1.6. Skin Conditions

Employees often suffer from skin conditions like dryness and allergies. Air conditioning can dehydrate the skin, causing dryness and increasing susceptibility to allergic reactions and dermatitis, leading to significant skin damage.

1.7. Dyslipidemia

Cardiologists warn that prolonged sitting, lack of physical activity, and high intake of protein and sugar with insufficient fresh fruits and vegetables create conditions for dyslipidemia. This disorder can lead to atherosclerosis, resulting in severe health issues like heart attacks, hypertension, strokes, fatty liver, gallstones, and diabetes.

1.8. Hemorrhoids and Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Chronic venous insufficiency is common among employees due to prolonged sitting, which hampers venous blood return. Initial symptoms include leg numbness and itching, followed by swelling. Additionally, prolonged sitting, lack of exercise, and a diet low in water and fiber can lead to hemorrhoids.

Employee Health Checkups – An Effective Preventive Measure

Employees can develop various health conditions during their work.

2. Employee Health Checkups – An Effective Preventive Measure

2.1. Importance of Employee Health Checkups

To prevent health issues, businesses must ensure safe working conditions and organize annual health checkups for all employees. This practice helps to:

– Protect employees from health risks associated with their work, such as eye, digestive, musculoskeletal, and auditory issues.

– Reduce absenteeism due to health problems, minimizing the impact of individual health issues on the entire system.

– Strengthen employee loyalty by demonstrating the company’s concern for their well-being, thereby preventing high turnover rates.

– Fulfill corporate social responsibility by showing a commitment to employee health.

Employee Health Checkups – An Effective Preventive Measure

Thu Cuc TCI is a trusted health checkup provider chosen by many companies.

2.2. How to Organize Employee Health Checkups

According to Article 21 of the 2015 Occupational Safety and Health Law in Vietnam:

– Employers must organize periodic health checkups for employees at least once a year.

– For workers in physically demanding or hazardous environments, or for disabled or elderly employees, health checkups should be conducted at least twice a year.

– Female employees must have gynecological exams included in their health checkups.

– Employees exposed to occupational disease risk factors should have bi-annual checkups to detect and address issues early.

Facilities conducting these checkups must meet spatial and professional standards. The costs of these health checkups are covered by the employer.

In summary, understanding common health issues and the importance of regular health checkups highlights the crucial role of corporate health checkups in maintaining employee well-being. Companies should prioritize these checkups to ensure the health and productivity of their workforce.

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