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Effective Treatment Methods of External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids pose significant risks and can cause excruciating pain. In this article, Thu Cuc TCI aims to provide insights into external hemorrhoids and effective treatment methods of external hemorrhoids.

1. Overview of Hemorrhoids and External Hemorrhoids

1.1. Hemorrhoids: Definition and Classification

Hemorrhoids belong to the group of common anal-rectal disorders. Excessive dilation of the veins in the anal canal and rectum is the primary pathological mechanism. Many medical experts believe that abnormal venous return, leading to blood stasis in the anal region, contributes to this dilation. Continual progression of this condition results in the development of hemorrhoids, either internal or external.

External and internal hemorrhoids differ in the location and distribution of hemorrhoidal clusters. While internal hemorrhoids are situated inside the anal canal, external ones are located outside. Additionally, mixed hemorrhoids occur when both internal and external hemorrhoids coexist.

Effective Treatment Methods of External Hemorrhoids

Internal and external hemorrhoids

1.2. A Deeper Understanding of External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids are characterized by clusters of hemorrhoids outside the anal canal, under the surrounding skin. These clusters result from dilation and protrusion of venous plexuses at the anal verge. Initially, external hemorrhoids are small, akin to pea-sized nodules. However, without proper treatment, they progressively enlarge, causing significant discomfort to patients.

External hemorrhoids can induce unpleasant sensations such as anal itching, pain, and difficulty with bowel movements. Patients with large hemorrhoidal clusters may experience mobility limitations.

There are typically four stages of external hemorrhoids, each varying in severity and symptomatology:

  • Stage 1: Small nodules form around the anal verge.
  • Stage 2: Hemorrhoids enlarge and protrude outside the anal canal.
  • Stage 3: Hemorrhoids become engorged, leading to potential thrombosis.
  • Stage 4: Severe complications such as infection or ulceration occur.

2. Contributing Factors to External Hemorrhoids

– Poor dietary habits leading to constipation: Inadequate fiber intake directly contributes to constipation, which increases venous pressure in the rectal region. Additionally, hemorrhoids may be associated with weakened pelvic floor muscles. External hemorrhoids can also result from difficulty defecating, often caused by excessive protein consumption, spicy foods, and alcohol.

– Occupational factors: Prolonged periods of sedentary work, such as office jobs, significantly elevate the risk of developing hemorrhoids. Additionally, individuals who frequently lift heavy objects are at increased risk.

– Other contributing habits include anal intercourse, prolonged squatting, and excessive straining during bowel movements.

– Pregnancy and childbirth: The physiological changes during pregnancy exert significant pressure on the rectum and anal veins, predisposing women to develop hemorrhoids, especially if they strain excessively during labor.

Effective Treatment Methods of External Hemorrhoids

Constipation, straining during bowel movements, and sitting on the toilet too long raise your risk for hemorrhoids.

3. Detecting External Hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids present with recognizable symptoms, albeit with varied etiologies and severity at each stage.

In Stage 1, small nodules around the anal verge cause swelling, itching, and moisture. Patients may experience bleeding during bowel movements.

Stage 2 is characterized by progressively enlarging hemorrhoids, leading to swelling and pain around the anus. Anal moisture and inflammation become more pronounced.

Stage 3 involves engorged hemorrhoids that may obstruct the anal opening, causing friction with clothing and leading to pain and infection. Blood clots may also form, exacerbating pain and thrombosis.

Stage 4 represents the most severe form of external hemorrhoids, marked by enlarged, inflamed, and infected hemorrhoids with foul-smelling discharge.

4. Treatment Methods of External Hemorrhoids

4.1. Mild External Hemorrhoid Treatment

Internal medical treatments are suitable for mild external hemorrhoids (Stages 1 and some Stage 2 cases). This treatment may involve oral medications or topical ointments prescribed by a specialist. However, patients should refrain from self-medicating, as the type and dosage of medication must be determined by a qualified physician. Hence, patients are advised against self-treatment and should seek diagnosis and treatment methods of external hemorrhoids from reputable medical facilities, even in mild cases.

Moreover, medical treatment should be complemented by dietary and lifestyle modifications to achieve optimal results.

4.2. Treatment for Severe External Hemorrhoids

Surgical intervention is warranted for progressive or severe external hemorrhoids. Medications alone may not suffice for Stage 3 or 4 hemorrhoids, and some Stage 2 cases may be unresponsive to medication. Patients require assessment by physician to determine whether surgical hemorrhoidectomy is necessary.

Treatment Methods of External Hemorrhoids

Removing hemorrhoids with minimally invasive treatment for patients with grade 3 hemorrhoids at TCI.

Currently, Thu Cuc TCI offers various advanced surgical techniques for hemorrhoid treatment, including minimally invasive procedures like Diode Laser and conventional methods such as Milligan Morgan-Ferguson and Longo procedures. These treatment methods of external hemorrhoids guarantee effective care for individuals suffering from.

In conclusion, this article provides insights into external hemorrhoids and current effective treatment methods of external hemorrhoids. Patients should remain vigilant for hemorrhoidal symptoms, seek timely medical evaluation, and receive appropriate treatment to ensure favorable outcomes.


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