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Double Marker Test in Pregnancy

The Double Marker Test plays a crucial role in assisting physicians in assessing the risk of fetal anomalies, providing essential information for prenatal care. Let’s delve into this screening method with insights from Thu Cuc TCI to gain a deeper understanding.

1. What is the Double Marker Test in Pregnancy?

The double marker test, often known as maternal serum screening, aims to evaluate the risk of genetic disorders in fetuses, such as Down syndrome (Trisomy 21) and Edwards syndrome (Trisomy 18). It is one of the key early diagnostic methods for determining the risk of anomalies in fetuses from the early stages of pregnancy.

The results of screening are based on a combination of factors, including:

– Maternal blood tests to assess levels of substances like β-hCG (beta-human chorionic gonadotropin hormone) and PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A).

– Ultrasound to measure parameters like nuchal translucency and fetal crown-rump length. Additionally, it considers information regarding maternal health status, gestational age, etc. The double marker test provides preliminary information about the fetus’s risk of anomalies, aiding physicians in assessment and recommending further advanced tests if necessary.

– Typically, this test is conducted between 11 weeks 2 days and 13 weeks 6 days of gestation. The turnaround time for this test can range from 3 to 7 days.

What is the Double Marker Test in Pregnancy?

Maternal serum screening helps parents feel more secure in preparing for their baby’s birth


2. Advantages and Limitations of the Double Marker Test

2.1 Advantages

– High accuracy: It provides reliable information about the risk of genetic disorders such as Down syndrome and Edwards syndrome.

– Convenience and safety: The testing process poses no pain or risk to the mother or fetus.

– Enables early understanding of fetal health: The results allow expectant mothers and physicians time to determine whether further detailed tests are required.

2.2 Limitations

– Not entirely conclusive: This test is predictive rather than diagnostic, which may lead to anxiety and necessitate confirmation through more accurate diagnostic tests.

– Not comprehensive: It can not detect all possible genetic abnormalities.

– Error margin: There is a small possibility of false or inaccurate results.

3. Common Queries Regarding the Double Marker Test

3.1 Who should undergo the Double Marker Test?

This first trimester screening is typically recommended for pregnant women, especially those of advanced maternal age or with fetal health risks, including:

– Women aged 35 or older with higher genetic disorder risks.

– Family history of Down syndrome or other genetic issues.

– In cases of unclear or high-risk results from previous tests.

– Exposure to environmental toxins during pregnancy or undergoing medication.

– History of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, or stillbirth.

When Is the Double Marker Test in Pregnancy Required?

This test is often recommended during the first trimester

3.2 Considerations during Double Marker Test

– The test results indicate the likelihood of a condition, not a confirmation. High-risk results may prompt further tests like NIPT, amniocentesis, or chorionic villus sampling for accurate diagnosis.

– Mothers should maintain optimism and good health throughout pregnancy. Unlike some tests, the double marker test doesn’t require dietary restrictions but a healthy diet is advisable.

– Inform healthcare providers about medication use during testing to avoid result interference.

– Ensure selecting reputable medical facilities with adequate equipment and experienced medical staff.

Common Queries Regarding the Double Marker Test

The screening is recommended if pregnant woman is over the age of 35 or may have an elevated risk of chromosomal issues

Thu Cuc International General Hospital offers comprehensive and detailed double marker test services from sample collection to analysis, ensuring accurate and prompt evaluation of fetal anomaly risks. These insights provide valuable information for expectant mothers regarding the importance of double marker tests in assessing fetal genetic anomalies. Hence, during the first trimester, pregnant mothers should not overlook the opportunity for anomaly screening. For further inquiries, please contact Thu Cuc TCI for assistance.

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