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Doctor Nguyen Van Nho
Specialist Level 1 Dr.

Nho Van Nguyen

Specialty: Pediatrics

Professional activities of specialist level I doctor Nho Van Nguyen

With over 30 years of experience in pediatrics, Dr. Nho Van Nguyen is a highly trusted specialist in Hanoi. He is currently practicing at the Pediatrics Department of Thu Cuc TCI (216 Tran Duy Hung facility).
Graduating from Hanoi Medical University, Dr. Nho dedicated most of his career to the Pediatrics Department at Saint Paul General Hospital, where he gained extensive expertise in child healthcare.

With his expertise in the field of pediatrics and loving heart for children, doctor Nho has helped thousands of children get through their illness and live healthily.

Not only being good at professional skills, doctor Nho is also a physician who loves children whole-heartedly. His wholehearted devotion to pediatric patients has gained their parents’ trust.

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