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4 Essential Points About Corporate Health Checkups

Corporate health checkups are an essential right for employees within an organization or company. This practice offers significant benefits to both businesses and their employees. Are you aware of the common components included in corporate health checkup packages? Let’s explore these with Thu Cuc TCI.

1. Dual Benefits

Organizing health checkups for employees is an employer’s responsibility, as mandated by various regulations in Vietnam such as Article 152 of the 2019 Labor Code, Circular No. 19/2016/TT-BYT, Article 21 of the Occupational Safety and Health Law, and Circular No. 14/2013/TT-BYT.

For Employees: Periodic health checkups enable employees to monitor their health status, detect and treat illnesses early, and enhance their commitment and peace of mind to work enthusiastically.

For Businesses: Conducting health checkups helps companies protect their valuable human resources, fostering long-term loyalty between the company and its employees. This practice also boosts motivation, increases productivity, and minimizes workplace accidents.

Clearly, corporate health checkups offer substantial benefits to both employees and employers.

Essential Points About Corporate Health Checkups

Health checkups benefit both businesses and employees significantly.

2. What Does a Corporate Health Checkup Package Typically Include?

Corporate health checkups, as outlined in Circular 14, generally include the following categories:

2.1. Clinical Examinations

Basic Measurements: Height, weight, blood pressure, etc. These initial steps help doctors assess the general health status of each individual, laying the groundwork for further examinations.

Specialized Examinations:

– Ophthalmology: Vision tests to detect myopia, astigmatism, dry eyes, eye pain, etc.

– Otorhinolaryngology: Hearing tests, nasal, and throat examinations.

– Dermatology: Detection of allergies, dry skin, dermatitis, etc.

– Dentistry: Checking for cavities, periodontal disease, gingivitis, etc.

2.2. Paraclinical Examinations

– Laboratory Tests: Blood and urine samples are taken to check various indices and concentrations of substances, helping detect abnormalities and diseases such as anemia and blood sugar issues.

– Organ Function Evaluation: Screening the liver, kidneys, urinary system, and excretory functions.

– Imaging Diagnostics: A crucial part of general health checkups, typically involving chest X-rays to observe heart and lung conditions and detect any damage or abnormalities.

Finally, doctors review the results, provide advice, and guide employees on maintaining their health. Depending on the company’s needs, additional tests like thyroid ultrasound, electrocardiograms, and bone density measurements can be included.

Essential Points About Corporate Health Checkups

Imaging diagnostics are essential in a corporate health checkup.

3. How Should Employees Prepare for Corporate Health Checkups?

To ensure accurate results, employees should take the following precautions:

– Fasting: On the morning of the checkup, avoid eating, drinking sugary beverages, carbonated drinks, or consuming stimulants like tea and coffee. Only drink water to ensure accurate blood and urine test results.

– For Women: Avoid gynecological exams during menstruation. Married women should refrain from sexual activity before the checkup if a gynecological exam is scheduled. Pregnant women should avoid X-rays.

– Ultrasound Preparations: If a general abdominal ultrasound is scheduled, refrain from urinating and drink plenty of water until after the ultrasound is complete to ensure a full bladder for better imaging.

– Hygiene: Women should maintain good hygiene to avoid affecting the doctor’s observations during the examination.

– Medication: Continue taking any prescribed medications and inform the doctor about them.

How Should Employees Prepare for Corporate Health Checkups?

Companies should consider several factors before organizing employee health checkups.

4. Where Should Businesses Conduct Corporate Health Checkups?

In Hanoi, many medical facilities offer company health checkup services. However, not all can fully meet the needs of businesses. Companies should consider the following when choosing a facility:

– Reputation: Opt for well-known, highly-rated medical facilities.

– Dedicated Services: Choose places that offer dedicated checkup areas for businesses to avoid mixing with walk-in patients.

– Customized Packages: Select facilities that can tailor the checkup packages to the company’s specific needs.

– Professional Process: Ensure the facility has a professional and efficient checkup process.

– Experienced Specialists: Look for places with experienced doctors.

– Modern Equipment: Ensure the facility has advanced medical equipment for effective disease detection.

– Comprehensive Care: Choose a facility with thorough patient care and guidance throughout the checkup process.

Thu Cuc TCI is proud to be a bridge connecting businesses and employees. With experienced medical staff, modern equipment, and various benefits for companies, including transportation and on-site checkups, Thu Cuc TCI ensures a high-quality medical service experience.

Corporate health checkups are vital in strengthening the bond between a company and its employees. Hence, businesses should remember to organize this meaningful activity annually as per regulations.

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