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The health checkup and cancer screening package – comprehensive one 4

Everyone’s body is inevitable to encounter pathogens and they can develop unpredictably. Therefore, only when severe signs of illness are detected will make treatment more complicated and time-consuming, even if the treatment is not effective. That is a reason why you shouldn’t overlook routine health checkup and cancer screening.

1. The list of the health checkup and cancer screening package – comprehensive one 4

Health experts confirmed that routine health checkup is the way you can keep away from huge costs relating to the illness treatment in a severe stage. Health checkup will be the way to diagnose and detect illness at its early stage. Pathological conditions such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, high blood pressure, liver, and bile diseases and especially, cancer if early detected and timely treated can help patients promptly come back to their healthy life.

Wishing to raise the people’s awareness of health care and bring them high-quality health service, a team of experienced doctors at Thu Cuc Medical System has studied and set up the health checkup and cancer screening package-comprehensive one 4. The examination package includes a diverse examination list, suitable for both male and female at every age group, will help early detect abnormalities in the body.


(Applied at 286 Thuy Khue – 216 Tran Duy Hung – 32 Dai Tu)


Sexually active


Sexually inactive

1Internal examinationPerforming examination, indication, consultation, and conclusion of examination package×××
2Gastrointestinal examinationDetect some gastrointestinal diseases×××
3Skin examinationDetect some skin diseases×××
4Eye examinationDetect some eye diseases×××
5ENT examinationDetect some ENT diseases×××
6Odonto-stomatologic examinationDetect some odonto-stomatologic diseases×××
7Gynecological examinationDetect some gynecological diseases ××
8Nutritional examination (*)Nutritional consultation and eating habits×××
1Complete blood count (performed by laser counter) {24TS}Detect anemia and blood diseases×××
2ABO typing (paper-based)Identify the blood group×××
3Rh(D) typing (stone-based)×××
4PT: Prothrombin Time (another name: TQ: Prothrombin Time by automatic machineDetect abnormality in hemostasis×××
5APTT: Activated Partial Thromboplastin time (another name: TCK) by automatic machine×××
6Quantification of Fibrinogen (another name: quantification of element I) – Claus method, direct method, by automatic machine×××
7Quantification of Urea {blood}Evaluate the function of kidney×××
8Quantification of Creatinine {blood}×××
9Quantification of Glucose {blood}Diagnose diabetes and glucose intolerance×××
10Quantification of HbA1c {blood}Evaluate the average glucose level in 3 previous months×××
11ALT blood test (GPT) {blood}Evaluate the function of liver×××
12AST blood test (GOT) {blood}×××
13Measurement of Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) {blood} {Gamma GT}Evaluate the injury of liver caused by alcohol, beer, and cigarette×××
14Quantification of Acid Uric {blood}Evaluate the risk of acquiring gout.×××
15Quantification of total cholesterol {blood}Quantification of lipid (evaluate the condition of lipid disorders)×××
16Quantification of Triglyceride {blood}×××
17Quantification of HDL-C (High density lipo-protein cholesterol {blood}Quantification of lipid in the blood (evaluate the condition of lipid disorders)×××
18Quantification of LDL-C (High density lipo-protein cholesterol) {blood}Quantification of lipid in the blood (evaluate the condition of lipid disorders)×××
19Quantification of IgA (Immunoglobuline A) {blood} (Quantification of Antibody IgA)Detect abnormalities in the immune system and multiple myeloma×××
20Quantification of IgG (Immunoglobuline G) {blood}×××
21Quantification of IgM (Immunoglobuline M) {blood}×××
22Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) {blood}×××
23Quantification of total Bilirubin {blood}Evaluate the status of biliary obstruction and some liver diseases×××
24Quantification of direct Bilirubin {blood}×××
25HBsAg auto immunity {HBsAg Cobas}Screening the infection of hepatitis B×××
26Quantification of HBsAbEvaluate the immune capacity and protection of the body against Hepatitis B×××
27HCV Ab autoimmunity {Anti HCV Cobas}Screening the infection of hepatitis C×××
28HIV Ab quick testScreening the infection of HIV×××
29Gram stainingDetect bacteria, fungi, and parasites × 
30Fungal staining ××
31Staining of Trichomonas vaginalis ××
32HPV genotype real-time PCR (HPV identify type 40, different types)Detect the infection of HPV virus (sexually transmitted virus) × 
33Cytology test with Liqui Prep (Test Thinprep)Screen the cervical cancer × 
34Urinalysis (with automatic machine – 10 parameters)Detect some diseases in kidney and urinary system×××
BTumor marker tests    
1Quantification of CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen) {blood}Early detect cancer×××
2Quantification of CA 19-9 (Carbohydrate Antigen 19-9) {blood}Screen cancers in digestive tract, bile, and pancreas×××
3Quantification of AFP (Alpha Fetoprotein) {blood}Screen liver cancer×××
4Quantification of total PSA (Total prostate-specific antigen) {blood}Screen prostate cancer×  
5Quantification of free PSA (Free prostate-specific antigen) {blood}×  
6Quantification of CA 72-4 (Cancer antigen 72-4) {blood}Screen stomach cancer×××
7Quantification of Pepsinogen I (blood)×××
8Quantification of Pepsinogen II (blood)×××
9Quantification of NSE (Neuron specific Enolase) {blood}Screen lung cancer×××
10Quantification of Pro-GRP (Pro- Gastrin-Releasing Peptide×××
11Quantification of Cyfra 21-1 (blood) {Cytokeratin 19 fragments)×××
12Quantification of Tg (Thyroglobulin) {blood}Screen thyroid gland cancer×××
13Quantification of Anti-Tg (Anti-body Thyroglobulin) {blood}×××
14Quantification of SCC (Squamous cell carcinoma antigen) {blood}Detect and control squamous cell carcinoma×××
15EBV IgG auto immunityEvaluate the immune capacity against Epstein-Barr virus×××
16Quantification of CA 15-3 (Cancer Antigen 15-3) {blood}Screen breast cancer ××
17Quantification of CA­ 125 (Cancer Antigen 125) {blood}Screen ovarian cancer ××
18Quantification of HE4 {blood} (diagnose ovarian cancer) ××
1MRI of the whole body to screen and evaluate tumor, node, metastasisDetect abnormal tumors in the whole body×××
2MRI of the brain and cerebral arteries without injecting contrast agentDetect abnormalities in the brain – cerebral arteries×××
3CT scanner of thorax and stomach without injecting contrast agentDetect abnormal tumors in lung and thorax×××
4Mammography (bilateral)Detect abnormal tumors in the breast ××
5Normal electrocardiogram (12 channel)Detect some cardiovascular diseases×××
6Abdominal ultrasound (general, basic, male)Detect pathological conditions in abdominal organs (liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen)×  
7Abdominal ultrasound (general, basic, female)Detect pathological conditions in abdominal organs (liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, uterus and ovary) ××
8Bilateral breast ultrasound {color}Detect some diseases in the breast ××
9Thyroid gland ultrasound {color 4D}Detect some diseases in thyroid gland×××
10Doppler echocardiography {heart}Evaluate abnormalities of heart’s structure×××
11Ultrasonography of the uterus and ovaries through vaginal tract {transvaginal ultrasound}Detect some diseases in uterus and appendage, tumors in uterus and ovary × 
12DEXA scan (5 locations)Evaluate the risk of bone loss and mineral deficiency in the bone×××
13ENT endoscopy (soft tube)Detect some diseases in ENT×××
14ColposcopyEarly detect cervical cancer × 
15Interventional chromoendoscopy to early detect cancer (esophagus, stomach, and colon)Endoscopy to detect injuries (if available), early detect cancers×××
16Interventional chromoendoscopy to early detect cancer (colon and rectum)Endoscopy to detect injuries (if available), early detect cancers×××
17Other anesthesia (total intravenous anesthesia with etomidate, ketamine, propofol, thiopental – stomach and colon)Anesthesia for endoscopy of stomach and colon×××
18Endoscopic accessories of stomach and colon with anesthesia (01 biopsy pliers, 01 oropharyngeal cannula, 01 oxygen therapy glasses)×××
The total package charge varies from 40,311,700 to 48,213,700 VND

(*) the list “Nutritional examination” is only applied at 286 Thuy Khue. Especially, for this examination package, patients will experience advanced technologies, helping diagnose current health status accurately such as: MRI, endoscopy NBI without pain and discomfort with cost-saving charge compared with individual examination.

2. Benefits of the health checkup and comprehensive cancer screening package

-The package is scientifically designed, including an essential examination list.

– A team of leading and experienced doctors directly perform examination

– The package can help detect pathological conditions in the body from common diseases to fatal ones.

– Screening cancer with high accuracy helps detect many types of cancers in the body.

– Modern facilities and advanced medical equipment help screen and diagnose cancer effectively.

– All charges are included and cost savings.

– If detected with cancer, patients will be provided treatment consultation by leading Singaporean oncologists.

– The clinic provides examination appointments in advance through the call center, helping patients save time. Examination results are also provided online, so patients do not have to spend their time waiting for them.

3. Notes

– Patient should not have a meal for having an endoscopy of the stomach and colon with anesthesia.

– If suspected of cancer, the patient needs to follow the doctor’s strict treatment regime to have the best treatment effectiveness.

– Patients should call the call center 1900 55 88 92 or hotline: 0904.970.909 for making an appointment and having consultation for preparation.

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