The general health testing package

Thu Cuc Medical System TCI has officially launched a general at-home health testing package with many outstanding advantages, helping people save time and travelling (especially in the complicated pandemic period) but they can also enjoy high-standard medical service.

1. Reasons why you should choose the general health testing package at Thu Cuc

– Help save time and travelling. For a general at-home health testing package, you just phone Thu Cuc TCI directly, a health worker will come to your home to take samples for testing in a prompt and safe manner.

– Doctors, nurses of general testing service at home are always considerate to you when consulting patients.

– Gather a team of experienced doctors and health workers directly examine patients, this will help provide an accurate diagnosis and the most suitable consultation.

– A system of automatic laboratories can provide a prompt and accurate result in the fastest time.

– Follow the blood collection and preservation procedure in accordance with standard regulations; test results will be sent to the customer’s mailbox and the doctor will call for consultation.

– Strictly follow regulations by the Ministry of Health for the safety of pandemic prevention.

2. The list of the general at-home health testing package 

With the benefits of at-home testing services, a team of doctors at Thu Cuc Medical System TCI has studied and officially launched many general health testing packages (basic, intensive, and advanced one) to maximise support for people in health care.




15 items


21 items


31 items

1Peripheral blood cell analysis (laser counter) {24 parameters}Assess the status of anaemia, an inflammatory response of the body. The status of white blood cells and platelets.




2Quantification of glucose {blood}Assess the status of sugar metabolism, diseases, diagnose diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance




3Quantification of HbA1c {blood}Assess the status of sugar metabolism, diseases, diagnose diabetes and impaired glucose tolerance




4Quantification of total Cholesterol {blood}Assess the status of blood lipid metabolism individually or combined with other blood lipid parameters




5Quantification of Triglyceride {blood}




6Quantification of HDL-C (High density lipoprotein Cholesterol) {blood}




7Quantification of LDL-C (Low density lipoprotein Cholesterol) {blood}




8ALT blood test (GPT) {blood}Assess the damage level of liver cell membrane, biliary epithelium in the liver




9AST blood test (GOT) {blood}Liver enzymes, assess the damage level of liver cells, do not directly indicate the cause of liver disease




10GGT blood test (Gamma-Glutamyl Transferase) {blood} (Gama GT)Test liver enzyme, assess hepatitis and liver diseases




11Quantification of total Bilirubin {blood}Assess disorders in the liver, such as Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, biliary tract disorders, such as gallstone, Jaundice caused by hemolytic anaemia




12Quantification of direct Bilirubin {blood}




13Quantification of Urea {blood}Assess the abnormality in the function of kidney




14Quantification of Creatinine {blood}Assess the filtering function of the kidneys, help classify kidney failure. Early detect disorders of kidney function from the mild stage to moderate one.




15Quantification of Acid Uric {blood}Assess the amount of uric acid in the blood related to gout.




16Urinalysis (with automatic machine – 10 parameters)Have a preliminary assessment and diagnose pathological conditions, such as urinary tract infections and glomerular damage




17Quantification of T3 (Triiodothyronine) {blood}Assess the function of thyroid gland




18Quantification of FT4 (Free Thyroxine) {blood}




19Quantification of TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) {blood}




20Quantification of Tg (Thyroglobulin) {Blood}Assess the autoimmune thyroid diseases and follow-up for thyroid cancer




21Quantification of Anti-Tg (Antibody Thyroglobulin) {Blood}




22HBsAg autoimmunity {HBsAg Cobas)

Diagnose the status of hepatitis B infection



23HCV Ab autoimmunity (Anti HCV Cobas)Diagnose the status of hepatitis C infection




24HBsAb quantitativeDiagnose antibody with surface antigen of Hepatitis B virus




25Quantification of ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase) {blood}Diagnose liver diseases, biliary tract, bone development and growth (children and pregnant women), change observed in many pathological conditions, such as Hyperthyroidism, Bone metastasis, chronic nephritis, hypothyroidism, and Vitamin C deficiency




26Quantification of total calcium {blood}Assess the function of parathyroid gland and calcium metabolism in the blood




27Quantification of ionized calcium with selective electrode {blood}




28Electrolytes panel (Na, K, Cl) {blood}Quantify electrolytes (Na, K, Cl) in the body




29Quantification of microelements Fe {Iron}Assess the status of iron and iron reserve in the body related to a diet, anaemia, infectious diseases, disorders in liver, and disorders of blood cell production




30Quantification of Ferritin {blood}




31Quantification of RF (Rheumatoid Factor) {blood}Rheumatoid arthritis factor




Total charge for basic package: 1,548,000 VND

Total charge for intensive package: 2,910,000 VND

Total charge for advanced package: 5,788,000 VND

The list of at-home health testing package of Thu Cuc TCI

3. Notes before performing the general health testing.

– Should not drink water before having a blood test: some test results are only accurate when a patient does not eat anything before the test within four to six hours, or not having breakfast when getting up.

– Patients should avoid stimulants, such as alcohol, beer, cigarettes, and coffee within several hours before the test.

– For some other tests, patients do not need to avoid eating when collecting blood samples, such as HIV, kidney failure, Hyperthyroidism, and Alzheimer (memory loss in elderly persons).

– The best time for collecting blood samples for the test is in the morning. Earlier, patients should not have a meal at least eight hours, do not drink sugary drinks, fruit juice, milk, and alcohol.

The detailed information about the general health testing package at Thu Cuc TCI, customers do not hesitate to contact the call center 1900 55 88 92 for free consultation!


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