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The examination package for the function and pathology of heart and lung – advanced one

Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases are increasingly becoming common and affecting people’s daily life and existence. Wishing to help patients take care of their respiratory and cardiovascular system comprehensively and avoid illness risks and consequences caused by the illness, Thu Cuc Medical System TCI has studied and set up the examination package for the function and pathology of heart and lung – advanced one, which has many advantages.

1. Common diseases in the heart and lung

The heart and lung are two essential organs, performing the function of bringing blood and oxygen to other organs in the body to maintain life and normal activities of the human. However, these organs are very vulnerable and susceptible to many diseases.

Common diseases in the heart and lung:

– Cardiovascular diseases: high blood pressure, valvular heart disease, atherosclerosis, heart attack, myocarditis, and heart failure.

– Lung disease: Pneumonia, bronchitis, Pleurisy, pleural effusion, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lung cancer, Pulmonary embolism, pulmonary edema, pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary arterial hypertension.

These diseases not only cause irritating symptoms and affect daily living and working activities, but also hide life-threatening risks if not timely treated. Understanding these problems, Thu Cuc Medical System TCI has studied and set up the examination package for the heart and lung – an advanced one with a full set of practical examination items and benefits.

 The examination package for the function and pathology of heart and lung - advanced one

Diseases in the heart and lung are increasingly becoming common and affecting the life as well as the health of patient

2. The examination items of the examination package for the function and pathology of heart and lung – advanced one

The examination package for the function and pathology of heart and lung – advanced one is set up by leading cardiologists and pulmonologists at Thu Cuc TCI, with diverse examination items suitable for both male and female, will help detect abnormality in the structure and function of these organs. Specifically:

The examination package for the function and pathology of heart and lung – advanced one.

(Applied at 286 Thuy Khue-216 Tran Duy Hung-32 Dai Tu)

IClinical examination
1General examination

Examination of general medicine and clinical examination of cardiovascular and respiratory system, measurement of blood pressure



1Complete blood count (performed by laser counter) {24TS}Detect anemia and blood diseases



2Quantification of Glucose {blood}Diagnose diabetes and glucose intolerance



3Quantification of total cholesterol {blood}Quantification of the lipid in the blood (evaluate the status of lipid disorders)



4Quantification of Triglyceride {blood}



5Quantification of HDL-C (High density lipoprotein Cholesterol)



6Quantification of LDL-C (Low density lipoprotein Cholesterol)



7Quantification of Urea {blood}Evaluate the function of kidney



8Quantification of Creatinine {blood}



9ALT blood test (GPT) {blood}Evaluate the liver damage



10AST blood test (GOT) {blood}



11Measurement of Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) {blood} {Gamma GT}



12Quantification of HbA1c {blood}Evaluate sugar blood level in the previous three months



13Electrolytes (Na, K, Cl) {blood} (electrolyte: Na+, K+, Cl-, Ca, TP, CA++)Evaluate the status of electrolyte disturbances in the body



14Urinalysis (auto machine, 11 parameters)Detect some diseases in the kidney and urinary system



IIIDiagnostic imaging
1Electrocardiogram {12 channel}Detect some cardiovascular diseases



2Doppler ultrasound of heart and heart valve {heart}Assess the activity and structure of heart, detect abnormalities in the form and structure of heart



3Abdominal ultrasound (general-basic-male)Check if there are abnormalities in the shape of organs or not, detect pathological conditions in the abdomen such as liver, bile, pancreas, kidney. It supports the discovery of cancers in organs.


4Abdominal ultrasound (general-basic-female)


5Pulmonary function test (1)

Test the function of respiration



6Plain chest radiography (plain heart and lung)Detect abnormalities and diseases in the lung and mediastinum



TOTAL PACKAGE CHARGE: from 5,900,000 to 6,474,000 VND

The list of the examination package for the function and pathology of heart and lung – advanced one

(1) The pulmonary function test is not applied at 32 Dai Tu.

3. Why should we choose the examination package for the function and pathology of heart and lung – advanced one at Thu Cuc TCI?

Registering this package, you will be entitled to: 

– Have an initial medical examination with the qualified and experienced cardiologist and pulmonologist at Thu Cuc TCI.

– Have full paraclinical examination items using modern medical equipment at Thu Cuc TCI, such as auto robot test laboratory, CT scanner, latest radiograph, and ultrasound.

– Especially, this package includes the latest multi-slice CT scanner, providing optimum diagnosis effectiveness.

– Examination results, interpretation and consultation of appropriate treatment methods by specialist doctors in person or online.

– Enjoy high-quality medical examination and treatment: considerate guidance and quick examination procedures.

 The examination package for the function and pathology of heart and lung - advanced one

Many benefits gained when registering the examination package for the function and pathology of heart and lung – advanced one

If having a need for the package, patient should make an appointment through the call center 1900 55 88 92 for detailed consultation and appointment-making support.

Please provide us with your requests and contact details for the best support
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