Perimenopause is a natural process in females aged from about forty-five to fifty-four years old. This is the period in which hormone estrogen and other hormones in the female body start to decline. In this period, females usually experience problems, such as hot flashes, night sweats, sleep problems, and mood swings or chronic headaches. These ones seriously affect the health of pre-menopausal women.

Blood test is the essential examination item in the examination package for perimenopause
Understanding these problems, Thu Cuc Medical System TCI has officially launched an examination package for perimenopause for women. The package helps customers at the age of perimenopause get better knowledge of her body. Simultaneously, specialist doctors will provide women with essential advice to take care of their health.
1. The diverse list of examination items
The examination package for perimenopause includes full following examination items:
The examination package for perimenopause
(Applied at 286 Thuy Khue-216 Tran Duy Hung-32 Dai Tu-136 Nguyen Trai)
1 | General examination (measurement of blood pressure, weight, and height) | Assess and test survival status |
2 | Gynecological examination | Detect some gynecological diseases |
3 | Basic examination | In combination with internal examination |
II | TESTS | |
1 | Complete blood count (performed by laser counter) {24TS} | Detect anemia and blood diseases |
2 | Quantification of Glucose {blood} | Diagnose diabetes and glucose intolerance |
3 | Quantification of Urea {blood} | Evaluate the function of kidney |
4 | Quantification of Creatinine {blood} | |
5 | Quantification of Acid Uric {blood} | Evaluate the risk of acquiring gout. |
6 | ALT blood test (GPT) {blood} | Evaluate some diseases in liver |
7 | AST blood test (GOT) {blood} | |
8 | Quantification of total cholesterol {blood} | Quantification of the lipid in the blood (evaluate the status of lipid disorders) |
9 | Quantification of Triglyceride {blood} | |
10 | Quantification of HDL-C (High density lipoprotein Cholesterol) | |
11 | Quantification of LDL-C (Low density lipoprotein Cholesterol) | |
12 | Quantification of ionized calcium with selective electrode {blood} | Quantification of calcium in the blood to assess the function of parathyroid gland and calcium metabolism in the blood |
13 | Urinalysis (with automatic machine – 10 parameters) | Detect some diseases in kidney and urinary system |
14 | Quantification of T3 (Triiodothyronine) {blood} | Evaluate the function of thyroid gland |
15 | Quantification of FT4 (Free Thyroxine) {blood} | |
16 | Quantification of TSH (Thyroid stimulating hormone) {blood} | |
17 | Quantification of RF (Rheumatoid factor) {blood} | Evaluate the risk of rheumatoid arthritis |
18 | The sedimentation rate (with auto machine) | Evaluate the inflammatory response of the body |
19 | Papanicolaou stain (cervical cells) | Screen the cervical cancer |
20 | HPV genotype Real-time PCR (HPV identifying type 40-different type) | Screen the infection of HPV (sexually transmitted virus) |
21 | Quantification of Estradiol {blood} | Diagnose the endocrine disorders |
22 | Quantification of FSH (Follicular Stimulating Hormone | |
23 | Quantification of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) {blood} | |
24 | Quantification of CA 125 (Cancer Antigen 125) {blood} | Screen the ovarian cancer |
25 | Quantification of CA 15-3 (Cancer Antigen 15-3) {blood} | Screen breast cancer |
26 | Quantification of CEA (Carcino Embryonic Antigen) {blood} | Screen cancer in colon and rectum |
27 | Quantification of AFP (Alpha Fetoprotein) {blood} | Screen liver cancer |
28 | Quantification of SCC (Squamous cell carcinoma antigen) {blood} | Detect and control squamous cell carcinoma |
29 | Quantification of HE4 {blood} (diagnose ovarian cancer) | Screen ovarian cancer |
30 | Gram staining | Detect species of bacteria, fungus, and parasites |
31 | Gram staining for Trichomonas vaginalis | |
32 | The fungi stain | |
III | Diagnostic imaging | |
1 | Abdominal ultrasound (general-color 4D-female) | Detect pathological conditions in abdominal organs (liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, uterus, and ovary) |
2 | Ultrasonography of the uterus and ovary through vaginal tract {transvaginal ultrasound} | Detect some diseases in uterus and appendage |
3 | Bilateral ultrasound of mammary glands (color) | Detect some diseases in the mammary glands |
4 | Ultrasound of thyroid glands (color 4D) | Detect some diseases in the thyroid glands |
5 | X-ray of lumbar spine, plain and oblique (two postures: plain and oblique, one film) | Detect some diseases in the spine and nervous system |
6 | X-ray of plain thorax (plain heart and lung) | Detect some diseases and abnormalities in the lung and mediastinum |
7 | Normal electrocardiogram (12 channel) | Detect some cardiovascular diseases |
8 | Bone density scan with DEXA (5 locations) {1} | Diagnose the osteoporosis and loss of bone mass caused by old age and menopause (female) |
9 | Mammography (bilateral) {2} | Detect abnormal tumors in the breast |
The package charge varies from 10,438,000 VND to 11,878,000 VND |
Detailed examination items in the examination package for perimenopause
(1), (2): the examination item: bone density test with DEXA method and mammary radiograph is only applied at 286 Thuy Khue, 216 Tran Duy Hung and 32 Dai Tu, not applied at 136 Nguyen Trai. If a customer wishes to know more about the package of each clinic, please contact through the call center 1900558892 for more detailed consultation.

Customers have their bone density measured to diagnose osteoporosis caused by old age and menopause
2. Advantages of choosing the health checkup at Thu Cuc Medical System TCI
– Gather a team of experienced and qualified doctors having ever worked for big hospitals. They are ready to consult patients friendly and enthusiastically.
– Experience the health checkup with a system of high-tech medical equipment imported from foreign countries such as auto robot test lab, 4D color ultrasound, digital radiography with high level of safety.
-Thu Cuc provides a free light meal after endoscopy.
– A team of professional health workers are ready to support customers in the process of examination.
– Provide test results online if required by customer.

Experience a medical examination with modern medical equipment