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Premarital Screening Helps Alleviate the Burden of Infertility

Pre-marital health check-ups are an important step for couples planning to marry. These examinations focus on reproductive health, early detection, and treatment of conditions that could affect sexual function and pregnancy. Additionally, couples receive valuable advice and psychological preparation to build a happy marriage. Understanding the importance of premarital screening can significantly reduce the burden of infertility.

1. Rising Infertility Rates Among Young Couples

According to the latest report from the World Health Organization (WHO) in April 2023, a significant portion of the global population is affected by infertility at some point in their lives. Approximately 17.5% of the adult population worldwide faces infertility.

Several factors contribute to the rising rates of infertility and subfertility, including:

– Reproductive Health Issues in Both Men and Women: This includes low sperm quality, blocked sperm ducts, endometriosis, and blocked fallopian tubes.

– Unhealthy Lifestyles: Habits like staying up late, excessive alcohol and tobacco use, and poor nutrition can severely impact reproductive health.

– Environmental Factors: Air and water pollution also play a role.

– Neglect of Pre-Marital Health Check-ups: Some couples still hold the view that they will address health issues after marriage, which is a risky approach.

Rising Infertility Rates Among Young Couples

Infertility and subfertility are increasingly common.

2. Preventive Measures

Healthcare professionals emphasize that early screening, detection, and treatment of infertility issues are crucial. Premarital screening differs from general health check-ups by including more specialized tests that screen for conditions affecting sexual health, fertility, maternal health, and fetal development. These tests include:

Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs): Screening for infections like HIV, syphilis, and gonorrhea.

Hepatitis B and C Testing

– Genetic Disorders Screening

– Assessment of Sperm Quality and Ovarian Cysts

Early detection through pre-marital check-ups significantly improves treatment outcomes, ensuring safe pregnancies and healthy children, while reducing the risk of infertility.

Many couples believe that premarital screening should be done right before the wedding. However, it is advisable to get screened 3-6 months before the wedding to allow ample time for any necessary treatments. Women should ideally schedule their check-up 1-2 days after their menstrual period ends, while men should abstain from ejaculation for at least three days before the examination.

3. Additional Benefits of Premarital Screening

Pre-marital health check-ups provide numerous practical benefits beyond reproductive health screening.

3.1. Gaining Knowledge on Safe Contraception Methods

Many couples today choose to focus on building their careers before having children. Hence, understanding family planning is essential. However, not everyone is well-informed about safe contraception methods. This lack of knowledge can lead to confusion and anxiety.

Premarital screening offers couples the opportunity to receive professional advice on safe contraception and family planning. This helps them manage pregnancy and childbirth effectively, avoiding unwanted pregnancies that might lead to abortions, which can severely impact future fertility and increase the risk of infertility.

Benefits of Premarital Screening

Couples are provided with useful information about safe contraception and disease prevention when conducting pre-marital health check-ups.

3.2. Preventing Transmission of Diseases to Children

Premarital health screening also ensures that both parents are in good health, which is crucial for the well-being of their future children. Many couples are surprised to discover infections like HIV, syphilis, or gonorrhea during these check-ups, even if they have never been sexually active. Early detection helps prevent the transmission of these diseases to the partner and children.

Modern medicine provides effective measures to prevent HIV transmission from mother to child. By addressing health issues before marriage, couples can protect themselves and their future children, reducing the societal burden of these diseases.

Moreover, pre-marital screenings can detect genetic disorders. Couples can find out if they are carriers of genetic mutations, and doctors can advise on options like in vitro fertilization and genetic screening to ensure a healthy baby.

3.3. Reducing Treatment Time if Health Issues are Detected

Premarital screenings are conducted for both partners simultaneously. This allows for concurrent detection and treatment of health issues, saving time compared to individual check-ups. For instance, if one partner is diagnosed and treated first, discovering that the other partner also needs treatment can delay their plans. Simultaneous check-ups streamline this process, allowing couples to proceed with their marital and family plans without unnecessary delays.

Benefits of Premarital Screening

Early detection of diseases or factors affecting fertility makes treatment easier and increases the chances of having children sooner.

In conclusion, proactive premarital screening not only provides a clear understanding of one’s own and one’s partner’s health but also screens for conditions that could lead to infertility. This preparation helps couples build a strong, happy marriage and ensure the health of their future children.

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