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General routine health checkup package for children aged from 16 to 18 years old – advanced one

It is thought that general routine health checkup is only essential to adults, but they forget an extremely important object that is juvenile. You know that the age group from 16 to 18 years old is the period in which they will face many health problems if not having timely examination and treatment. Grasping those problems, Thu Cuc Medical System – TCI has launched a general routine health checkup package for children aged from 16 to under 18 years old – advanced one to better meet the need of people’s examination and treatment.

1. Parents should pay attention to children’s health when they are juvenile

Age group from 16 to 18 is considered a fast development period, but with rapid changes in the body as well as habits formed over many years, so they easily get some illnesses such as emotional disorders, headache, hypochromic anemia, obesity, diabetes, heart and liver diseases.

Especially, many invisible illnesses children acquire when they are juvenile can be serious. If early detected, illnesses can be treated and prevented after that.

Therefore, for juveniles, annual care and health checkup play a very important role. This not only helps parents grasp the child’s development in height, weight, hearing, eyesight, respiratory and digestive system in general, but also access the development orientation to better take care of their children.

2. List of general routine health checkup package for juvenile aged 16 to 18 years old – advanced one

Grasping the importance of general routine health checkup for juvenile, Thu Cuc Medical System TCI has launched a general routine health checkup package for children aged from 16 to under 18 years old – advanced one with a hope to make parents pay more attention to their child’s health and make the best choice for caring their children comprehensively.

Every question about the physical development as well as health risks that may occur to their children will be considerately answered through the examination package. Based on examination results, doctors will give advice on nutrition and daily activities regime to help children develop their body status best.


(Applied at 286 Thuy Khue, 216 Tran Duy Hung, 32 Dai Tu and 126 Nguyen Trai)

No.Service listPurpose and benefits of indicationsMale


I.       Clinical examination
1General examinationExamination of circulatory and digestive system, nephrology and urology, nervous system and psychology and other health problems

Height and weight measurement, BMI index

2Eye examination (1)Detect some eyes diseases××
3General examination (skin) (2)   
4Odonto-stomatologic examinationDetect some odonto-stomatologic diseases××
5ENT examinationDetect some ENT diseases××
6Surgery examinationDetect some surgical diseases× 
7Nutritional examination (3)Consult on nutrition and eating habits××
IIMedical tests   
1Complete blood count (performed by laser counter) {24TS}Detect anemia and blood diseases××
2ABO typing (paper-based)Identify the blood group××
3Rh(D) typing (stone-based)××
4HBsAg auto immunity {HBsAg Cobas}Screening the infection of hepatitis B××
5HCV Ab autoimmunity {Anti-HCV Cobas}Screening the infection of hepatitis C××
6HBsAb quantitativeEvaluate the immunity and protection of the body against hepatitis B××
7Quantification of total protein {blood}Evaluate the nutritional status and liver diseases××
8Quantification of Albumin××
9AST blood test (GOT) {blood}Evaluate the function of liver××
10ALT blood test (GPT) {blood}××
11Quantification of 250H Vitamin D(D3) {blood}Quantification of Vitamin D in the blood××
12Identification of Fe microelements (Fe)Evaluate Fe element in the blood××
13Quantification of Creatinine {blood}Evaluate the function of kidney××
14Quantification of Urea {blood}××
15Quantification of Glucose {blood}Early detect diabetes××
16Quantification of total Bilirubin {blood}Evaluate the biliary obstruction status and some liver diseases××
17Qualification of direct Bilirubin {blood}××
18Complete urinalysis (by automatic machine- 10 parameters)Detect some diseases in kidney and urinary system××
IIIDiagnostic imaging
1General electrocardiograph (6 channel)Detect some cardiovascular diseases××
2Abdominal ultrasound {general, color 4D, male}Detect some diseases in abdominal organs (liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas)× 
3Abdominal ultrasound {general, color 4D, female}Detect some diseases in abdominal organs (liver, kidney, spleen and pancreas) ×
4Plain chest radiograph (plain heart and lung)Detect some diseases in heart and lung××
Package charge varies from 3,770,000 to 4,770,000 VND


(1), (2) in the list of “eye examination” and “skin examination” is not applied at 136 Nguyen Trai

(3) in the list of “nutritional examination” is only applied at at 286 Thuy Khue

Seeking a consultation about exact charge for this package at each clinic of Thu Cuc – TCI, customers should contact the call center 1900 55 88 92

 3. Benefits gained when registering examination package for juvenile at Thu Cuc – TCI

– Including an essential list, suitable for health status and development of children aged 16 to 18 years old.

– Gathering a team of leading doctors and specialists with many years of working experience in the field of examination and treatment.

– A system of modern medical equipment can provide an accurate diagnosis, supporting the screening and treatment of illness.

– Designing the process of examination and treatment in a scientific manner helps customers save time.

– When detecting any abnormality, the clinic will coordinate a team of leading experts of different specialties to hold a consultation for a course of treatment suitable for each body’s status.

– Caring service is provided in a professional and considerate manner.

4. Some notes when having a health checkup, you should be aware of

Parents should be aware of some issues when taking their children to the clinic for general health checkup.

– Please contact the call center 1900 55 88 92 in advance to make an appointment.

– Before examination, children should not drink sugary drinks or drinks containing stimulants such as coffee and alcohol.

– Do not let children have meals before examination to ensure the most accurate test and ultrasound results.

– Notify medical staff with full information about the family and children’s health history, types of medicine children are using for facilitating the process of examination of doctors.

For detailed information about the package and other preferences, you do not hesitate to contact the call center 1900 55 88 92 for free and soonest advice.



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