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General routine health checkup package – advanced one

The general routine health checkup package – advanced one includes 34 examination items from the basic to advanced ones, set up by a team of leading doctors of Thu Cuc Medical System-TCI. The package is suitable for every customer, supporting the evaluation of general health conditions, even with no abnormal symptoms in the body.

1. Benefits of routine health checkup

Each age group faces different health problems caused by external influences or aging time. Reality shows that so many cases detect their illnesses at its late stage, affecting treatment effectiveness.

Some fatal diseases show vague symptoms at its prodromal stage such as: cardiovascular disease and cancer. It is a subjective psychology overlooking routine health checkups which are the causes of many people missing “a golden stage” for treatment.

Routine health checkup one or two times a year will create an opportunity of improving the quality of life, saving time and money. Through medical examination, doctors can pinpoint hidden risks of illnesses, provide timely intervention and health care advice, even if there is not any abnormal sign.

General routine health checkup package

Having routine health checkup one or two times will create an opportunity for a healthy life

2. The list of the routine health checkup package – advanced one

The package is set up by a team of leading doctors at Thu Cuc TCI, with a diverse examination list from the basic to advanced one, suitable for every person.

The package is being applied at 4 clinics of Thu Cuc TCI. However, depending on facilities and objects applied, the examination list and charge applied at each clinic are different. For detailed information, customers can refer to it here.


(Applied at 286 Thuy Khue – 216 Tran Duy Hung – 32 Dai Tu – 136 Nguyen Trai)


Sexually active


Sexually inactive

1General examinationExamine circulatory, respiratory and digestive system, kidney and urinary system, neurology and psychiatry and other clinical problems.

Measure height, weight and BMI index

2ENT examinationDetect some ENT diseases×××
3Odonto-stomatologic examinationDetect some odonto-stomatologic diseases×××
4Eye examination (1)Detect some eye diseases×××
5Gynecological examinationDetect some gynecological diseases×××
6Nutritional examination (2)Provide consultation on nutrition and diet.×××
1Complete blood count (performed by laser counter) {24TS}Detect anemia and blood diseases×××
2Quantification of Urea {blood}Evaluate the function of kidney×××
3Quantification of Creatinine {blood}×××
4ALT blood test (GPT) {blood}Evaluate the function of liver×××
5AST blood test (GOT) {blood}×××
6Measurement of Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) {blood} {Gamma GT}Evaluate the injury of liver caused by alcohol, beer and cigarette×××
7Quantification of total Bilirubin {blood}Evaluate the status of biliary obstruction and some liver diseases×××
8Quantification of direct Bilirubin {blood}×××
9Quantification of Glucose {blood}Early detect diabetes×××
10Quantification of HbA1c {blood}Evaluate the average glucose level in 3 previous months×××
11Quantification of Uric acid {blood}Evaluate the risk of acquiring gout×××
12Quantification of total Cholesterol {blood}Quantification of lipid in the blood (evaluate the condition of lipid disorders)×××
13Quantification of Triglyceride {blood}×××
14Quantification of HDL-C (High density lipo-protein cholesterol) {blood}×××
15Quantification of LDL-C (High density lipo-protein cholesterol) {blood}×××
16HBsAg auto immunity {HBsAg Cobas}Screening the infection of hepatitis B×××
17Quantification of HBsAbEvaluate the immune capacity and protection of the body against Hepatitis B×××
18HCV Ab quick testScreening the infection of hepatitis C×××
19Fungal stainingDetect bacteria, fungi and parasites ××
20Staining of mycorrhizal fungi ××
21Staining of Trichomonas vaginalis ××
22Papanicolaou’s stain (cervical cells)Screen the cervical cancer × 
23Urinalysis (with automatic machine – 10 parameters)Detect some diseases in kidney and urinary system×××
1Normal electrocardiogram (12 channel)Detect some cardiovascular diseases×××
2Thyroid gland ultrasound {color 4D}Detect some diseases in thyroid gland×××
3Abdominal ultrasound (general, basic, male)Detect pathological conditions in abdominal organs (liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen)×  
4Abdominal ultrasound (general, basic, female)Detect pathological conditions in abdominal organs (liver, kidney, pancreas, spleen, uterus and ovary) ××
5Plain chest radiograph (plain heart and lung)Detect some diseases in heart and lung×××
The package charge varies from 3,936,000 to 5,614,000 VND



(1) The list “eye examination” is not applied at 136 Nguyen Trai

(2) The list “nutritional examination” is only applied at 286 Thuy Khue

To get an exact charge for the package at each clinic, please contact the call center 1900 55 88 92 for detailed consultation.

3.  Benefits when choosing services at Thu Cuc TCI

Registering the routine health checkup package – advanced one at Thu Cuc TCI, customers will experience a premium health care. Specifically:

– Have examinations with support of modern medical equipment imported from foreign countries: auto robot test lab, 4D color ultrasound and digital radiography with high safety level.

– Gathering a team of qualified and experienced doctors having ever worked for big hospitals. They are ready to provide consultation on health care methods and explain every question of customers about the health condition.

– Thu Cuc TCI provides a light meal after finishing the taking of test samples.

– Support the provision of test results online for customers if required.

– A team of professional health workers and receptionists are ready to support our esteemed customers in the process of examination.

General routine health checkup package

Thu Cuc TCI applies multi-dimensional ultrasound system, bringing high-definition and accurate results

Please provide us with your requests and contact details for the best support
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