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Effective Measures to Prevent Syphilis

Syphilis is one of the common sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Preventing syphilis is of great interest to many people, especially in today’s society. In this article, Thu Cuc TCI will inform you how to effectively prevent this disease.

About syphilis

Syphilis is a dangerous sexually transmitted disease caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. The environment in humans’ bodies is suitable for this spirochete’s development. It affects both men and women and if not treated promptly, it can cause serious damage.

Transmission and common symptoms

Treponema pallidum is transmitted in several ways. Below are some common ways of transmission:

    • Unprotected sex: If you regularly have unprotected sex, you are more likely to get the disease.
    • In contact with infected people: Treponema pallidum can be spread via contact with secretions from a person with this disease.
    • Personal items: Sharing personal items such as razors, toothbrushes, or menstrual pads can be a way to spread Treponema pallidum.
    • Mother-to-child transmission during pregnancy: Syphilis can be passed from mothers to babies while they are developing in the uterus. This can cause serious health problems for the babies.

Syphilis’s effects on health

Causes dangerous complications

Syphilis is an infectious disease that can cause many dangerous complications. It can attack internal organs, cause sepsis, heart failure, cerebral palsy, and infertility, and increase health risks during pregnancy. Not treating this disease can lead to serious damage to yourself and others, especially your spouse/sexual partner.

Its complications include spasmodic dysfunction, visual complications, musculoskeletal complications, and cardiovascular impacts. A mother can also pass the disease to her child during pregnancy and delivery, posing a risk of miscarriage, stillbirth, or the infant’s death.

Therefore, the prevention and treatment of syphilis are very important to minimize complications and ensure your health. If you suspect having syphilis, visit a doctor immediately for prompt treatment.

Significantly impacts society

Syphilis does not only affect individuals’ health, but it also affects society as a whole. Because of its spreading characteristics, this disease has become increasingly common. An increase in the rate of people with syphilis can lead to socioeconomic consequences. Its treatment is expensive and time-consuming and patients are often stigmatized.

Syphilis also has a major effect on the country’s economy. In addition, the increased rate of children with congenital syphilis increases can adversely affect future generations. Patients also feel alienated, resulting in lower work productivity. These are serious threats in the future, making it difficult for society’s development.

Stages of Syphilis

There are four stages of syphilis, each with its symptoms.

    • The primary stage is the first stage, with ulcers appearing on the genital area or mouth 10 days – 3 months after infection. These ulcers are usually painless and will disappear after a while, but bacteria will continue to exist if they are not treated promptly.
    • The secondary stage is the next. Patients may have rashes with rough, red, or reddish brown spots that appear on palms, soles, and several other parts of the body in this phase. Other symptoms may include fever, hair loss, and swollen nodes.
    • The latent stage is the most difficult to detect because patients do not show any symptoms. However, bacteria continue to grow and this phase lasts for a very long time, up to 30 years. The risk of infection during this period is extremely high.
    • The final stage of the disease is the late stage when bacteria can attack important parts of the body. Serious damage can occur to vital organs such as the brain, heart, bones, liver, eyes, joints, nerves, and blood vessels. In this phase, it is difficult to control the disease.

Effective measures to prevent Syphilis

To prevent the disease, the following measures need to be applied:

    • Regular body hygiene: This is one of the most effective ways. Besides, it is necessary to change underwear regularly, keep blankets and beds clean, and not share things with people who have syphilis to avoid infection.
    • Protection during sex: This is the most effective way.
    • Healthy lifestyle, and restraint on sex with multiple partners: When having sex with different partners, the risk of contracting syphilis increases, especially with those who are not fully aware of their health.
    • Regular health checkups: Regular checkups help you detect and treat the disease promptly, avoiding serious health effects.

Everyone can contract syphilis, especially people who have unhealthy sexual activities. Currently, this disease can be diagnosed via blood tests or fluid tests from lymph nodes (in the primary/secondary stage).

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