Doctor Vu Thi Bich Hanh
Specialist Level 2 Dr.

Hanh Bich Thi Vu

Director of TC General Clinic (136 Nguyen Trai)
Specialty: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Doctor Vu Thi Bich Hanh graduated from Hanoi Medical University with the specialty of obstetrics and from Military Medical University with the tittle of specialist doctor level II specialized in general surgery.

1. Working process

Doctor Vu Thi Bich Hanh has worked for more than 32 years at big hospitals such as Military Hospital 103.

2. Experience

– Doctor Hanh – director of Thu Cuc General Clinic at 136 Nguyen Trai is an expert in the field of examination and treatment of general surgery and obstetrics, especially in examination and treatment of normal and obstetric pathology.
– With her expertise and working experience in the field of obstetrics, she is always a reliable physician and chosen by many pregnant women.

3. Personality

Doctor Hanh is experienced in the field of obstetrics. She is trusted and loved by patients because of her gentleness and considerateness. With her expertise and enthusiasm, she answers all questions of patients and helps them have a prompt and safe treatment plan.

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