Doctor Duong Khanh Duy
Master, Dr.

Duy Khanh Duong

Neonatology Specialist
Specialty: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

Professional activities of doctor Duy Khanh Duong

Doctor Duong Khanh Duy graduated from Hanoi Medical University with the degree of master and specialist doctor level I in the specialty of pediatrics. He is now a neonatologist of obstetrics and gynecology department – Thu Cuc International General Hospital (286 Thuy Khue).

Doctor Duy has had nearly 20 years of working experience in the field of intensive care and examination and treatment of pediatric diseases at many prestigious hospitals such as Son Tay General Hospital.

With a sense of responsibility and professional knowledge in the field of pediatrics, master and specialist level I doctor Duy Khanh Duong has successfully examined and treated many children and taken care of beloved infants, helping pregnant women feel secure when giving birth at Thu Cuc TCI.

Considerateness and good-natured humor of doctor Duy have helped parents relieve their anxiety and feel secure when their beloved children are well care by Thu Cuc Healthcare System.

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