Doctor Pham Duc Du

Du Duc Pham

Specialty: Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology

1. Work process:

– Graduated from Hanoi Medical University with the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology

– Having many years of working experience in midwife, C-section at leading maternity hospitals.

2. Experience:

– Doctor Pham Duc Du has had many years of working experience at obstetrics and gynecology department of leading hospitals. He has been chosen for providing midwife and C-section by many pregnant women.

– He has an in-depth professional knowledge in diagnosing, treating and performing surgery of obstetric and gynecological pathologies(internal medicine and surgery).

3. Personality:

Patients always feel satisfied and secure when doctor Du gives them an examination and treatment from their first month of pregnancy. He takes care of their pregnancy and gives them consultation until their delivery for the safety of mother and child. He shares tips for a healthy pregnancy with pregnant women and deals promptly with problems arisen.

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