Doctor Nguyen Thu Hang
Specialist doctor level I and an anesthesiologist

Nguyen Thu Hang

Specialty: Department of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy and Functional Exploration

Professional activities of specialist doctor level I Nguyen Thu Hang

Specialist doctor level I Le Thu Hang is an anesthesiologist at the department of anesthesiology, functional exploration and endoscopy at Thu Cuc Medical System.
Doctor Nguyen Thu Hang graduated from Hanoi Medical University with the specialty level I specialized in anesthesia and resuscitation. She is experienced in the field of anesthesia and resuscitation at prestigious hospitals in the country such as
– An anesthesiologist at National Lung Hospital
With her carefulness, enthusiasm and responsibility at work, doctor Hang is trusted and loved by doctors and patients. Many patients said that doctor Hang is warm and cheerful. She is ready to help patients relieve their anxiety when they have endoscopy at Thu Cuc.

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