Patients are satisfied with the quality of service
The private hospital has the highest score of quality in ha noi
The hospital has the best score of quality
The gold medal for perfect medical service awarded by the ministry of health
-Grade 1: bleeding defecation, hemorrhoids have not prolapsed
-Grade 2: hemorrhoids prolapse during defecation but it may retract on their own
-Grade 3: hemorrhoids prolapse when defecating, it must be pushed up by hand
-Grade 4: hemorrhoids prolapse uncontrollably, using hands to push up but it is not up
- Stage 1: Hemorrhoids protrude outside the anus
- Stage 2: Protruding hemorrhoids with zigzag veins
- Stage 3: Hemorrhoids are clogged, bleeding, and painful
- Stage 4: Hemorrhoids are inflamed, painful, even infected.
- The first stage (mild): medical treatment combined with diet, living
- End stage (severe): must perform the surgery to remove hemorrhoids.
Conservative medical treatment is an appropriate and safe option for lactating women, if it becomes more severe, surgery is needed.